"I still remember your voice"


"Let's get divorced", he says.

The air was tense as Ayushman's divorce proposal hung between him and Diyanshi like a heavy cloud. The weight of their unresolved past lay heavy on their shoulders, threatening to drown them in a sea of regret and what-ifs. Diyanshi's eyes flickered with a mix of emotions - anger, hurt, and a hint of lingering love that she desperately tried to push away.

"What?", she asks unsure if she heard him right.

Despite having waited for this moment for a long time, the reality of it hits her like a wave of sorrow and despair. The request for divorce lands with a weight she hadn't fully prepared for. 

At first, there's a strange sense of relief, as if a burden she'd been carrying for too long has finally been lifted. She had convinced herself that she had moved on, that she no longer harbored any love for Ayushman, but now, faced with the reality of their impending separation, she discovers that the emotions she thought she had buried still linger, raw and unhealed.

Confusion envelops her as she grapples with the contradictions within herself. How could she still care for someone who has caused her so much pain? Was she truly over him, or had she merely been deceiving herself all this time? These questions swirl in her mind, refusing to be ignored.

"I said let's get divorced", he repeated his words.

"Why? Can't wait to marry her?", she asks bitterly.

"No, Why would I marry-"

"Sure let's get divorced.", she says closing the cab door.

After their conversation, they head towards the court.

In the court 

They settle down in the family court waiting for the judge.

The judge enters and looks at them and takes his seat.

"Good Afternoon. We're here today to discuss the divorce case of Diyanshi and Ayushman. Could you please explain the reason for your divorce?", the judge asks them.

Diyanshi and Ayushman exchange glances unable to find an answer to the question. While Diyanshi was about to speak Ayushman interrupted.

"Your Honor, we aren't compatible anymore. There's no mutual trust between us.", Ayushman states.

"I see. Diyanshi, do you agree with Ayushman's statement that there's no mutual trust and that you're incompatible?", the judge asks Diyanshi.

Diyanshi's expression turns to one of sadness and anger. She's still confused about the mixed feelings she's feeling right now. She takes a deep breath before speaking.

"Yes your honor he's right there is no trust and respect between us.", she answers.

The judge turns towards the lawyer and asks," What do you have to say about this situation?"

"Your Honor they have been married for three years. It was a marriage arranged by the family. Due to their age gap and different way of thinking, the lawyer states that they aren't compatible and don't want to be each other anymore. Trust and respect are crucial in a marriage. If Diyanshi and Ayushman are willing, perhaps there could be a way to address these issues constructively.".

The judge nods and goes into deep thought looking at them.

Diyanshi looks at Ayushman who is sitting calmly. 

After a conversation for half and hour with the Judge. The judge writes something in the paper that was kept before him.

"Marital issues are complex and often require time and effort from both parties. It's clear that there are unresolved feelings and unaddressed issues here. I have seen couples in similar situations manage to work through their problems with time and effort.", he states.

"I don't think anything can be fixed at this point", Diyanshi says.

*" I understand your frustrations. However, before making a final decision, I want you both to consider an alternative. I am going to order a six-month reconciliation period. You will continue living together during this time.", the judge continues.

"Six whole months? Together?", Diyanshi is shocked after hearing this.

"Yes, together. During this time, you are encouraged to try communicating more and build trust between you. Consider this a last effort to save your marriage. At the end of these six months, if you still believe divorce is the best option, I will grant it without hesitation.", the judge declares.

"That sounds like a reasonable approach, Your Honor. It gives them a structured time to either reconcile or make a more informed decision about their future.", the lawyer says.

"Your Honor, I don't think this is going to work out. Please judge just finalize the divorce", Diyanshi says anxiously

"Your Honor, I'm ready to give a second chance to our marriage", Ayushman states.

Diyanshi looks at him confused and surprised.

"Good. I'm glad to hear that. Remember, this period is not just about tolerating each other but actively working on your relationship. Use this time wisely. Diyanshi remember this 'if you ever get a second chance in life for something you've got to go all the way' We'll reconvene in six months to review your situation. Until then, I wish you both the best of luck. The court is adjourned", the judge says this and leaves.

Diyanshi and Ayushman leave the courtroom. Diyanshi is confused about what to do now. How is she supposed to live with this man for six whole months? but a part of her is feeling happy.

"Let's go back to our home Mrs Sharma", Ayushman says extending his hand.



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