He met them

Deepak's POV

Yesterday was my first day of school in a new city. A city with infinite strange faces. We had to move from Delhi to Chennai after my grandpa's death. He was my everything and I miss him terribly. It wasn't easy for me to adjust to a new environment out of blue.

When I entered the class everyone looked at me as if I'm some kind of monster. Their stares made me feel weird. I wasn't ready for a new beginning specially not in a new environment. As the day passed by I started missing my friends and my grandpa more so as everyone left for their home I stayed in the silent class by myself and laid down in the bench with my head down.

Tears uncontrolly fell out of my eyes as a voice came by. It was a type of voice I probably heard at some point of my life but something about this person was different. As she spoke her voice somehow indirectly started consoling me, I felt warmer.

As she started leaving somehow I wanted her to stay for a minute or two more because she is the first person who made me feel home since I have come here. I made some friends today , talked to many but none made me feel the way she is making me feel. So I just held her hand and just left it thinking it might be considered inappropriate here.

She spoke telling me motivating things and it actually felt great. So I just listened without telling anything and in the end she just left I guess out of anger cuz I wasn't responding. I wanted to say her thank you but couldn't because I have no idea who she is and what's her name and which class she's in? I should have atleast looked at her face but I didn't and I curse myself for it.

As I was about to enter the class I heard the same familiar voice. What if she's in the same class as me? I'm sure she's in the same class as me since she came inside the classroom maybe she must have left something behind. Let's just get inside the class and look around.

I went inside and looked around and can't figure out which one of the 25 girls is she. So I just went and sat on my bench.

Almost half of my day has passed and I haven't found her yet. I haven't heard the voice until now. Should I just probably ask someone? Like what would I even ask? Let's just at least try.

"Hey Dev", I called for my deskmate.

"Hey!", he came and gave me a hifi.

Okay, Lemme make this clear, I'm a very sociable person and making friends is just a piece of cake for me.

"Do you know everyone here?"

"Yeah, I guess probably everyone. Why are you asking?"

"Oh I'm new here right I just wanted to know everyone."

Okay, she said she cries thousand times a day. I guess she might be known as someone who cries too much. Wait I should start with voice.

"Is there someone who has high pitched child-like voice?"

"Um, I have no idea. Is it a girl or a boy?"

"Uh It's a girl"

"Bro it's your second day in this school and you are already trying to find yourself a girl. I thought you were someone who already had a girlfriend."

"I already have a girlfriend"

"So you are trying to find someone similar to her here?"

"Nope bro I'm just...I'm just trying to find my dad's friend's daughter. He asked me to talk to her since she's familiar with this school so she can show me around."

" I can show you around. I'm studying here since the first grade."

"Bro the thing is my dad has compulsorily asked to talk to her and I have no idea who she is. He just said that she has a high-pitched child-like voice, talks a lot, and cries a lot"

"Let me think in our class someone who talks a lot is Sneha, cries a lot is Siya like dude she literally cries over everything and I have no idea about the high pitched whatever thing."

"Who's Siya?"

He pointed out a girl sitting on the second-last bench to my right.

It's been almost the end of school and I have been observing her or you could say staring at her directly waiting for her to talk but she hasn't spoken a word for the past four hours. I guess she isn't talkative as I thought she would be.

I packed my bag and got out of the class and yes of course followed her. At this point, she might think I'm such sort of creep. Wait I can just talk to her right? How dumb of me to not even think about it up until now.

I walked fast and tapped her shoulder back and she turned. She's actually pretty.

"Hey, I'm your new classmate and I have some doubts regarding the last class?"

She looked at me suspiciously and then opened her mouth to tell something but stopped and tilted her head to look behind me and shouted.

"Jhanvi I'm here"

She spoke finally.

"I'm coming", someone shouted behind me.

I immediately turned to look as she came running and stood beside me.

"Finally found you! Siya"

Yeah Finally found you.

"So, what doubt do you have?"

"Nothing, I found the an

swer. Thank you"




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Hey!! I write as my hobby. I've been writing for a while and I'm also a uni student so it would be great if you support me since I have to pay my bills by myself

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