She met him

It was the time of autumn a season when life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall. The second semester is about to start today which means I'm almost reaching the end of my high-school life in just a few months. I was more than happy to even think since I've never actually liked going to school.

Wait! Don't take me wrong, I ain't some brat who hates studying instead I love studying and maths has been my favorite subject since the day I found that it is actually easier to solve problems than to find why water is wet and the air is invisible. Like why would I be even interested in knowing this?

Anyways my life revolves around just a few things and they are study , anime , food, sleep and online relationships. Yeah, online relationships sound crazy I know but it is easier to tell ILY to someone you don't actually love and will never be able to meet. I ain't ready to do this shit in real life cuz I'm just fucking scared and no one has ever taken my interest. Okay, I have finally reached my classroom.

I kept my bag and ran straight to my bestie's classroom. Yeah, we aren't in the same class anymore cuz I backed off from our plan of taking biology. I took computer science.

"Hey", I went inside her classroom and sat beside her.

"Hii", she said.

"What are you looking at?", I asked noticing her staring at the crowd of students who were standing in the corridor.

"It's just 8 am and why the hell are they so loud"

"Stop sulking it's good to be lively and not everyone is a typical introvert like you."

"This is so freaking irritating"

"Come let's go out and get fresh air"

We walked around the school ground and entered our respective classrooms while the bell rang.

It's been almost four hours since I have been in the class and now I can finally go out for lunch.

"Come let's go", she came and took my lunch box and we headed towards our favorite seating area to have lunch.

"A new student joined our class?"

"What?", I said gulping down water.


"In the middle of the semester? Like who the hell joins in the mid of the semester?"

"People who are smart"

"How do you know he's smart? Like did they praise him or what?"

"He looks smart"

"Wtf, you can't judge someone by how they look. I look dumber than your class's dumbest person but I have 100 times better grades than him. I'm a legit topper."

"Okay Okay I get it, let's go or you're gonna be late for your computer period."

"What's the time?"

"It's 11:55 am", she stated.

"Shit, I need to hurry or the teacher wouldn't allow me inside the lab"

"Run Run" she chuckled.

I took my things and ran straight to class.


It was already time to go but the teacher wouldn't stop teaching. I guess I wouldn't be able to meet her today. Her van would have been gone.

When the classes ended I went to her classroom to check in case she was waiting but she wasn't there. The class was empty, No it wasn't empty someone was there and I guess he was crying. I think I'm wrong he might be sleeping with the head down position. I decided to leave but a part of me thought what if he's actually crying since he was whimpering it would be so unkind of me if I just left like this. So I went ahead and stood beside his desk.

Should I shake him? or just touch him? Let's just call.

"Hey, Are you okay??"

There wasn't any response.

"Are you crying? Is something wrong?"

There was no response.

"I guess he's sleeping. I should probably go."

I turned to leave but stopped the moment he caught my hand for an instant and just left.

"So, you aren't asleep then why aren't you responding?"

There was no response.

"Are you crying? I guess you are and I think that you don't want to talk to me about it or probably don't want to talk to me in general. Anyways whatever it is just listen to me It's completely okay to cry even if you are a guy. Crying doesn't mean you're weak it just means you have a heart. Just look at me I cry over a thousand times in a day over minor inconveniences and am I ashamed of it? Hell no. If people are gonna think I'm a crybaby let them, I don't care and even you shouldn't. And If you are going through something rough just know it's gonna be alright, some days are just messy you know? It's going to be okay."

There was still no response.

"You could have at least said okay. Huh I guess I should stop being nosy and mind my own business. Sorry for disturbing you".

I sighed and walked away.




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Hey!! I write as my hobby. I've been writing for a while and I'm also a uni student so it would be great if you support me since I have to pay my bills by myself

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