"Moments, when lost, can't be found again. They're just gone."


"I don't allow that", a voice came from back and my heart sank.

As my heart raced, I couldn't bring myself to look up and meet his gaze. Instead, I stood frozen in place as a towering figure approached and stood silently by my side. The weight of his presence was palpable, and I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled in the pit of my stomach.

"I fail to understand how you can ask my wife to marry someone else when we are not even divorced yet," he stated.

"Why get divorced if you haven't been together for years?" asked my dad.

"That's our personal matter and nobody gets to interfere in it. Remarrying or anything should be her personal choice nobody can force her.", he said.

"Would you prefer my daughter to continue living as a widow?"

"Widow? how can you-"

I shouted looking at him, unable to hold back my emotions, "Can you both please stop this?'"

As I turned away from him, my heart sank and tears welled up in my eyes. I couldn't bear to look at him any longer. "Stop trying to tell me what I'm supposed to do," I told them firmly, my voice quivering with emotion. "This is my life, and I'll do whatever I want to do. You can't control me." With those words, I stormed out of that place, my mind racing with conflicting thoughts and feelings.

As I took my steps forward, I felt a sudden tight grip on my wrist, causing me to halt immediately. I turned back to see who it was, and there I saw a pair of piercing eyes staring straight into mine.

"I'm sorry what happened just now now.",he paused."How have you been?"

I pulled my wrist away from his grip, a look of confusion on my face as I asked, "Huh? What is it that you want?"

In a gentle, low tone, he leaned in and asked, "I just want to know how you are doing. How have you been doing all these years?"

"I'm sorry, but may I ask why you're interested in this information? It doesn't seem like it's any of your concern. By the way, how is your wife doing?" Despite my best efforts to refrain from asking, the question slipped out. I already strongly suspected that he intended to marry her, but I couldn't resist seeking confirmation.

"Wife?", he scoffed.

I gazed at him with a stern expression, locking my eyes onto his with unwavering determination.

"My wife stood before me, and when I asked how she was doing, she wouldn't tell me. Could you do me a favor and ask her, my dear?" He gazed into my eyes as he spoke.

"Could you please stop pretending to be my husband? There's no one else around," I explained to him.

"I'm not pretending. I'm your husband," he declared firmly.

His every word is currently fueling my anger and causing me to relive that incident repeatedly. Every word he spoke at that time is reverberating inside my mind.

In a fit of intense emotion, I shouted, "Then, either divorce me or get out of my sight right now," unable to contain my rage.

His eyes bore the weight of guilt as he gazed at me. Overwhelmed by his presence, I left the place, and he silently trailed behind.

"Could you please stop following me?" I pleaded.

His voice reverberated with determination as he declared, "I won't make the same mistake of letting you go again. I already did that once, and I'm not letting it happen again."

As I turned around to reply, I unexpectedly collided with the face of someone I knew. 

He grabbed me by the arms to keep me from falling and said, 'Do you have any idea how long I've been searching for you?'"

I looked at him with confusion.

Ayushman inquired, "Who is he?"

He responded by questioning, "Who are you?"


Thank you for all the support <3

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Hey!! I write as my hobby. I've been writing for a while and I'm also a uni student so it would be great if you support me since I have to pay my bills by myself

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