"I still see you in every sunset"


"Did you forget me?", he said to my brother.

Or me?

"Wait Nishant??", I looked at him with surprise.

"You're here boss", my brother said.

Wait? Boss?

"You look handsome dude", Nishant said to my brother.

"Thank you boss for coming. Please enjoy the wedding"

"Offcourse I will and how long are you stand like this starring at me Diya?" , he said looking at me with a smirk.

"Boss you know my sister?"

"We have a history isn't Diya?"

"How do you know my boss didi?", My brother whispered to me.

"You're telling me that this dumbass is your boss??", I asked surprised.

"Dumbass?", Nishant looked at me as if he predicted that I would be telling that.

"How could you insult my boss infront of me didi?", he asked panicked.

"She's the only one who can insult me like that.", Nishant chuckled.

"Stop behaving like a child, you're his boss? and how the hell did you become his boss?", I whispered to him and he laughed louder now.

"See brat your sister is questioning my qualifications",he said smirking.

Sly fox.

"Chill and stop glaring at me like that.",he said half hugging me.

"I'm glad to see you again", I said to him.

"I'm glad too", he smiled.

"Stop staring at each other it's almost time to go. You can continue your reunion later too",my brother panicked.

"Too eager to get married huh?",Nishant teased him and we all laughed.

We then departed to the wedding venue.

As the ceremonies took place I went to eat. Obviously because weddings are all about food and since my family would really be pleased if I'm away from them.

I filled my plates with food and started eating.

I've heard this somewhere that "If you feel lonely, it means everything is going well". So whenever I feel lonely I actually become happy thinking about this.

"Is this place taken?" Someone asked as I was stuffing food inside my mouth.

I looked at him and he was holding two plates with a grin.

It was him. The handkerchief guy it's a weird way to describe someone but it is what it is.

My mouth was stuffed with food so I shooke my head in a "No".

He came and sat opposite to me.

"So you are a vegetarian?", He asked and I nodded.

I was too immersed in eating to speak.

I took out the hand kerchief from my bag and handed it to him.

"Oh you're still keeping this? I thought you might have thrown it.", He said while eating a spoonful of ice cream.

"Ice cream are supposed to be eaten after eating the food", I commented.

"There's no such rule it's a preference. I feel desserts taste better while eaten in between food."


"Stop telling me weird in your mind"

"Are you mind reader or something?", I asked curiously.

"Yes I am", he chuckled.

"Stop fooling", I said glaring at him.

"I know I'm handsome but you just can't glare at me for free. You have no idea how much this face cost."

"I have no intention in finding out that", I completed my food and got up.

"Wait for me I need to finish this dish",he said following me while eating.

"Why are you following me?"

"Because I want to", he said walking behind me.

Is he a stalker or something?

"No I'm not a stalker", he chuckled.

"You need to stop creeping me out and tell me who the hell are you?", I said standing in front of him.

"I'm glad you finally asked. I thought it would take years for you to ask me that. I'm --"

"Diyanshi", I heard my dad's voice from behind.

"I need to go", I said and went leaving him there.

"Yes dad you called me?", I asked him.

"Yes, I want you to meet some people , come with me".

Why does he want me meet some people? Who are they?

I followed him.

"Namaste Mr Sinha", a man of my father's age said.

"Namaste Mr Singh, this is my daughter Diyanshi." , He introduced me to that man.

"Namaste Uncle", I smiled.

"Your daughter looks exceptionally beautiful Mr Sinha. They would look very good together"


"I said you right.",My dad that man laughed together.

"What is happening?", I whispered to my dad.

"Excuse me for a minute", he said him and walked towards a place with less people around.

"Okay So listen, you're getting married soon to Mr.Singh's son."


"He's a we'll educated and works along his -"

"Do they know that I've already married once?"

"They don't have to. You don't even have a child so it doesn't matter."

"That would be like lying to them isn't?"

"Nobody knows that you got married except us so it doesn't matter. Understood."

"Won't you ask about my opinion whether I'm willing to marry or not?"

"You have to get settled this time. You can't be like this for your whole life. I'm not asking you, I'm

telling you that you're getting -"

"I don't allow that", a voice came from back and my heart sunk.


Sorry for the delay :)

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Hey!! I write as my hobby. I've been writing for a while and I'm also a uni student so it would be great if you support me since I have to pay my bills by myself

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