"The pleasure of love lasts but a moment. The pain of love lasts a lifetime."


It's been almost a day since I arrived home. Everyone seems normal as usual. My brother was overwhelmed with happiness having me here. Nobody asked me anything about Anshuman either now or three years back when I informed them that I don't want to be with him anymore.

This place exhausts me mentally. I wish to just return to my place as soon as possible.

My grandma's condition is still critical and nobody knows when her last breath would be. I've been spending most of my time with her since I returned. I really missed her.

And after just talking on random topics since yesterday she finally asked the most expected question.

"Why did you leave him?", she asked while caressing my head as I lie beside her.

I almost go silent for a few minutes.

"Dadi from the outside it may have looked like we make a good couple but on the inside, the relationship just felt like a dam that was about to overflow. I kept rushing to repair all the little cracks that would form and tried to endure everything even when his former lover entered our life he never felt the need to explain things to me, he just kept on me telling that he loves me but looking back now I see he didn't feel the need to explain things to me because for him I was just another thing he loved.", as I say tears roll down my eyes.

"I was his wife, not some random girl he fell in love with. I needed that respect and recognition as his wife but I never received it. On that day he just crossed every boundary, he made me feel underserved of literally everything. I knew that if I stayed even a bit longer I would regret that decision for my entire life. I didn't want to regret a thing so I ran as hard as I could. I wasn't able to endure it dadi, I wasn't....", I wept and wept. And probably this is the first time in three years that I have cried so hard.

"Why did you endure everything all alone? It must have been difficult for you. Don't try to endure all the things yourself. You don't have to. It was so selfish of me to get you married to a man like him. I just wanted to see you happy and settled before I die, I guess I just caused you more misery. I'm sorry my child. I'm really sorry.", she said still caressing the head.

"It's okay dadi you don't have to be sorry it's all in the past anyways. Look now I'm happy and I'm settled you don't have to worry about me anymore just rest assured", I said hugging her.

I feel better after pouring my heart out to my grandma yesterday.

And today is the wedding. There were other functions such as Haldi, and Sangeet but since I arrived late I wasn't able to attend them.

I got ready wearing a lehenga and doing a minimal amount of makeup on my face. I headed towards my brother's room to just how looks in the dress of a groom.

"Where are you going?", my mom stopped me.

"Bhai's room why?"

"Why are you going there?", she asked giving me a stern look.

"I just wanted-"

"I'm warning you don't cause any ruckus today. This is a very important day for the family", she snapped and started to go.

"You could have at least asked me how am I? and how am I doing?", I said and she stopped.

"I can see you're doing fine and there's nothing more to ask", she sighed and walked ahead.

I'm used to her behavior but surprisingly her indifference hurts every time. All I ever wanted was just a little bit of her affection nothing more. I have always known there is no place for me in her heart anyways so I was never greedy for it. Why can't the people in my life be like normal people in others' life?

I looked up just not to let tears fall from my eyes.

"You don't have to look strong all the time. Don't forget you're a human too, bottling up emotions can lead to major breakdowns so it's okay to cry there's no reason to hold back", the tears rolled down my eyes after hearing the voice. The voice somehow calmed the storms in my mind.

I looked ahead to find a strange-looking man in front of me offering me his handkerchief. He was commonplace in complexion, features, manners, and in voice. He was of middle size and of ordinary build. His eyes, of the usual brown, were perhaps remarkably cold, and he certainly could make his glance fall on one as trenchant and heavy as an axe. He smiled understandingly — much more than understandingly. It was one of those rare smiles with a quality of eternal reassurance in it, that you may come across four or five times in life. He looked young like someone in their twenties.

"Am I that handsome?", he asked while I was busy trying to analyze him.

"What?", I was caught off guard.

"Nothing you just kept staring at me which made me question my looks", he smirked.

I didn't react and just took the handkerchief he was offering. I wiped my tears looking at the camera of my phone and when I pulled down my phone he was gone.

What a strange man! I didn't even get to say thanks. He seemed familiar I don't remember where I have seen him. 

After wiping away the tears, I headed toward my brother's room.

"Omg you look so adorable", I said hugging him.

"Thanks, didi", he said.

"When did my baby grow so much?", I said pinching his cheeks and he smiled.".

"By the way, I gotta introduce you to some people", he said and I looked sideways where guys I have never seen stood there.

"Here are my friends didi. They have been dying to meet you"

"Hello", I said politely. "Why would they be dying to meet me?", I chuckled and looked at my brother for an explanation.

"Since he always talks about his sister. So we were just excited to see who the hell in this world could be his mysterious sister.", someone from the group said and I laughed.

Then my brother introduced me to everyone.

"So, he is Nihal, and he--", he said pointing toward the last guy until a voice came from the door.

A familiar voice and when I looked back it turned out to be a familiar face.

"Did you forget me?" he said to my brother.





any guesses?

Are we welcoming a new love interest? or an old one??

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Hey!! I write as my hobby. I've been writing for a while and I'm also a uni student so it would be great if you support me since I have to pay my bills by myself

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