"Love doesn't hurt but loving the wrong person does"

They say TIME HEALS but now I know that it's a lie. What people mean is that eventually, you'll get used to the pain. You'll forget who you were without it. You'll forget what you looked like without your scars.

Previously when I would think about events in my life, I would organize those events chronologically in my mind as before college ended and after college ended.

I don't do that anymore. Not because I've grown as a person. Quite the opposite actually, because now I think about my life in terms of before Ayushman and after Ayushman.

Pathetic, I know.

And even more so because it's been exactly three years since I left that house and I still think about him whenever this day comes around. But it's not so easy to rid my thoughts of someone who had such an impact on my life.

The weirdest part of this is he never tried to reach out to me not even once. I've not heard from him since the day I left. It's not like I hoping that he would tag along since he kept saying how much he loved me bullshit. It's just that it makes me feel unworthy, it just proves the fact that everything was a lie. Each and every sentence which came out of his mouth was a lie and nothing more.

I can't seem to remember how he looked, the memory has started getting blurry as the days go by. I hope that the day arrives soon when I won't remember anything about him.

I've been well I guess. I shifted to Rishikesh after I left there. I've been working at a small IT company here and earn as much as I need to fill my stomach and live peacefully without any issues.

And Now the main problem is that I need to go back home for my brother's wedding. 

"Just tell them you are unable to get leave from the office", my roommate Shivani suggested.

"It's my brother's wedding, the only person in my family who has loved me selflessly. I really want to attend his wedding."

"Then go, why are you making such a fuss?"

"You already know why I can't go"

"One day or the other you gotta face him anyway. It's not like you can avoid him forever"

"If it's under my will I would happily do it"

"It's been three years, three legit years. I bet he might have moved on. So don't just mortgage your own happiness in order to avoid him for eternity and If you are too scared to face him then take Viraj and go, he would be your best human shield."

"Shivani shut up. He's my boss-"

"And also your love interest"

"Who said I'm in love with him"

"But he is head over heels for you , the whole rishikesh probably knows except"

" Stop talking nonsense", I scoffed.

Viraj is my boss and also a good friend of mine.

"I was giving you just the right advice. Just imagine what would be his reaction when he'll see you with another man."

"Wait better than that I have a good idea. Having a man by my side..umm that can be anybody right?? I'll call Nishant for my rescue."

"Oh I actually forgot you already have a guy courting you in your hometown as well", she chuckled.

" SHIVAANIII stop teasing me"

Nishant and I are still in touch with each other. I guess he's the only person I look forward to meet while I go there.

Why is this so frustrating?? What am I even afraid of???

I just don't wanna meet him. It's not because that if I look at him I'll regret my decision of leaving him. That is out of the question. I have never once regretted that decision of mine. I still despise him and hate him.

It's like I'm trying to avoid my past as much as I can but my past is clinging to me like my shadow.

I have already made up my mind of going there so I'm just going.

I went ahead to pack my luggage and booked the flight ticket for going there.

Tomorrow I'm leaving so I just better prepare my mind for facing any sort of situations.

"Diya you can do. I believe in you.", Shivani shouted.

I went ahead and hugged her.

"I can't imagine what would I have done without you. I'm so grateful for having you here with me."

"Are you trying to bribe me or something", she teased.

"Shut up", I hit her back lightly.

She has always been there for me ever since I met her. I'm so blessed to have her here.

I just hope everything goes w




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